// Starts a timer to run a simple task
private void startTimer( ) {
// Create a task to be run
task = new TimerTask( ) {
private boolean isPaused;
private int count;
public void run( ) {
// Pause or resume the MIDlet.
System.out.println("Timer scheduled");
if (count++ == 4) {
// Terminate the MIDlet
try {
} catch (MIDletStateChangeException ex) {
// Ignore pleas for mercy!
ExampleMIDlet.this.notifyDestroyed( );
} // run end
if (isPaused) {
System.out.println(">> Resuming MIDlet");
ExampleMIDlet.this.resumeRequest( );
isPaused = false;
} else {
System.out.println(">> Pausing MIDlet");
isPaused = true;
ExampleMIDlet.this.pauseApp( );
ExampleMIDlet.this.notifyPaused( );
} // if end
} // task end
// Create a timer and schedule it to run
timer = new Timer( );
timer.schedule(task, timerInterval, timerInterval);
System.out.println("Timer started.");
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